Monday, 24 October 2011

TVS Scan Results: CD12

A little background: 
We are planning to do an FET in November 2nd week. My RE is currently monitoring my ET lining to ensure that everything is looking good. I got a CD 9 scan done to determine the lining and it was a 7.1 mm which I thought was good for a CD 9. However, my RE was not very happy with it ad asked me to increase my Estrogen dosage from twice a day to thrice a day! 
Well this left me feeling a little annoyed and more nauseous (I have developed nausea after starting the estrogen tablets). Anyway so here's the update after having administered the increased dosage:

I went to a radiologist today and got a TVS (trans vaginal scan) done to determine if my lining is any better (CD 12). Well, it is at 11.2 mm which I think is again gr8! though I am not sure what the RE will have to say about it. 

Also, I am ovulating a little late this cycle. I generally ovulate around day 10-12 of the cycle, however this time around I am at CD 12 and my follicles ( I asked the radiologist to measure them as I was a little concern as to why i am not ovulating yet!) are measuring a good 16mm on the left and 12mm on the right. So well, nothing to worry I think, I should be ovulating in a couple of days!

It is strange how we still continue to have timed sex although we know the outcome will not be what we expect it to be. I somehow cannot tear away hope from fact..So much for the "intelligent human mind" !!

In other news, I found out last week that two of my younger sister-in-laws (my cousins got married pretty early) are pregnant. So my aunt is going to have two new born in her house  and she cannot stop asking anyone who is even remotely married, "So, when are you giving the "good news""?? ( In india, this is the most decent way to saying, you are growing old, better start TTC) and if they already have a child, she asks, "So , when are you planning your second child"?? God!! some people have a way with getting on people's nerves.
As for me, I simply don't call her, not on her b'day or their anniversary nor to congratulate them on the "good news"!!

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